Assassinated by shooting the Libyan Interior Minister

The Libyan Interior Minister was repeatedly shot by gunmen while his car was driving on a highway near the capital, Tripoli, but managed to escape.

An official close to the Libyan Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha said today that his convoy was launched from an armored vehicle on a highway.

The attackers repeatedly fired on convoys west of the capital, Tripoli, after Bashagha visited the National Petroleum Corporation and the ministry’s law enforcement headquarters.

“Two of the attackers were arrested and the third is in hospital,” he added, adding that Mr. Bashagha was unharmed and in good health.

Libyan Interior Minister Bashagha gave an interview in Tunis in March 2020. Photo: Reuters

Bashagha is a strong politician in Libyan politics. This 58-year-old man held the position of Interior Minister in the United Nations government, and his death was recognized in 2018 and confirmed his anti-corruption reputation.

Libya plunged into a civil war after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in a Western-backed rebellion in 2011. The current bloody war between the Libyan national government, under the auspices of the recognized United Nations and the leadership of the Libyan National Army (LNA) rebels. By Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.

Bashagha was once seen as someone capable of leading the new interim government in the UN-led peace effort after last October’s ceasefire. The final winner was Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, 61, an engineer and businessman, who was chosen as prime minister in early January to demand reconstruction, democracy and unification in Libya.

Hong Hanh (Continued France Press agency)

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