Across the green corridor from 1 April? For now it is only outdoors, and the 50-year vaccination commitment will be in effect until summer

Via il Green Pass dal 1° aprile? Per ora solo all

From April 1, there is no green lane for outdoor bars and restaurants, but it remains for workplaces along with the obligation to wear a mask indoors.

The government decided, or at least this is evident today from what we have read in the major media, that green lane It will still be in effect The state of emergency ends on March 31 Then, albeit with some slack, starting with the outdoor bars and restaurants.

In short, we can say that we are slowly walking through the steps that should lead Italy to a ‘normal level’ by summer, in any case less than that which most European countries (not to mention the rest of the world) already have today.

The government takes a decision on the gradual easing of restrictions

In recent months, the only easing of restrictions we’ve seen in Italy has to do with the use of outdoor masks. While in countries like Denmark And the United kingdom There was already Almost total return to normalIn Italy, we are moving from the obligation to wear a mask outdoors where it is not always possible to maintain a safety distance to the obligation to wear it in the event of gatherings.

A microscopic step toward a “normal” life that has been simplified to the extreme in the mainstream media imagination, and the message conveyed “To Unified Networks” is that we are moving from a commitment to mask-wearing outdoors to: mask-wearing outdoors.

Almost nothing has changed in substance, but in Italia This seems to be welcomed as a great achievement. In the meantime, there is no news in all other respects, except for some changes in a more restrictive sense, for example with Green light to impose sanctions on unvaccinated people over 50 that just clicked a week ago.

The state of emergency ends, as of April 1, there is no green lane for outdoor bars and restaurants

Government Mario Draghi decided that the relaxation of the restrictive measures imposed in the declared intention to protect the health of citizens should be gradual, to arrive on April 30th a kind of “everything free” which, obviously, would consist of small concessions of individual liberties (until 2019 inviolable) strictly upon expiration.

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But what will change after that, with the end of the state of emergency that appears to be certain on March 31? First of all, the duty to show Super Green Pass to access activities such as bars and restaurants It is consumed outdoors. In order not to consume something indoors, the danger, according to the government, is very great.

For those who have been forced to do (and pay) a tampon or three a week for months to be able to work, there is no news yet, they will have to continue like this until a date is set. While those over 50 will remain without pay if they are not vaccinated, the obligation will remain at least until June 15.

For families over their fifties who have not been vaccinated and who inevitably find themselves without this source of income (which, as far as we know, could also be the only one), ESMs are not vetted by the executive. The right to work remains suspended until the summer for those who are not vaccinated and is subject to periodic fulfillment of the vaccination for all others.

Draghi is determined to ‘get out of the emergency as quickly as possible’

The easing should be gradual, however Prime Minister, as I mentioned only today before Corriere della Seraappears determined to “Get out of the emergency situation as soon as possible.”

The data is positive, it is highlighted, and the next decree is scheduled to be approved between the first and second week of March and will take effect on April 1.

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The state of emergency will not be renewed after March 31the government has already decided, but in fact, all restrictions and restrictions on individual liberties that the executive branch deems appropriate to preserve will remain regardless of the end of the state of emergency.

Therefore, the government is preparing to celebrate the next steps for easing, also in light of the start of the summer season which should include the arrival of tourists from abroad. These actually come for the vast majority of countries where there are no restrictions similar to those in Italy, They can choose a different destination if at least the heavier restrictions are not reviewed.

Here the government is forced to reconsider the green card obligation to access shops, bars, restaurants, hotels and public transportation.

What changes with the end of the emergency

So let’s see what restrictions the Mario Draghi government is preparing to ease with The end of the state of emergency on March 31, 2022.

  • green passRegarding the Green Corridor, the government believes that eliminating it completely is not the right thing. To press in this sense will be, among the forces supporting the executive, Lega di Matteo Salvini, but it will go in the direction indicated by the Minister of Health who notes: “There is no key to press and there is no more Covid. We will see the numbers and decide, but we must imagine the element of gradation ” .
  • mask inside: The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has announced that an order will be issued renewing the obligation to wear protective masks in all enclosed spaces except for private homes.
  • FFP2 Masks: The obligation to wear Ffp2 masks to participate in external shows will not be extended. While for indoor performances in cinemas, theaters, live music and entertainment venues, as well as for sports events and competitions, the government has not yet decided on the duration of the measure.
  • Bars and restaurants: Currently a person must be vaccinated or treated for Covid in order to be able to eat at the bar or eat in the restaurant, but the government appears to have decided that from April 1, at least for outdoor consumption, it will not be necessary to have a Super Green pass. As for indoor dining, on the other hand, the obligation remains, even if the so-called “hole wing” of the majority would like to remove it entirely, reserving only the obligation to wear a mask when getting up from the table.
  • Accommodation facilities: The obligation to have an enhanced green corridor for festivals, exhibitions and conferences ends from April 1, and if the government intends to bail out the rest of the companies operating in the tourism sector, it will necessarily have to cancel the commitment also to housing facilities such as hotels, bed and breakfasts, etc.
  • Swimming pools and gyms: For outdoor sports, the obligation to have the enhanced green lane ends on March 31 with the end of the state of emergency, but for gyms and swimming pools, it will remain in effect until a date to be determined.
  • Transportation: Also to be able to use public transport, it will no longer be necessary to show the green lane starting from the 1st of April. Mandatory intervention given that with existing commitments tourism will be crushed.
  • Cts and regions colors: With the end of the emergency, the mission of the Scientific Technical Committee must end, at the same time it can be decided to cancel the color scheme, perhaps only keeping the red zone for possible use in the event of an intermittent outbreak.

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