This is how the band arrested in Spain for bank fraud using SIM cards acted

This is how the band arrested in Spain for bank fraud using SIM cards acted

The Spanish National Police has reported the dismantling of a new cybercrime organization that stole money from its victims by hijacking SIM cards.

No one is surprised when we talk about it cyber crimewhich is that mafia and superstar We are already cured of fear. Whatever the case, You should be especially careful with your smart phonesWell, with all your personal information inside, including access to our banks and financial services, these glass and metal sandwiches are now The biggest target of Internet thieves.

fact, Crimes committed through “SIM hijacking” continue to increase Recently, with countless criminal organizations such as those Spanish National Police It was dismantled just a few days ago, Up to 8 people arrested in connection with multiple attacks by SIM swap to commit financial fraud at a later time.

SIM swap fraud is one of the most common and dangerous fraud today.

The truth is that they are not isolated cases, because like our colleagues from Hacker News This time it was about A fully organized criminal networkwhose members are trusted representatives of banks or other companies Obtaining personal information, copying the SIM cards of their victims, and thus being able to obtain bank details To steal money from their accounts.

The Spanish security forces said in a press release:

They usurped the identity of their victims by falsifying official documents and tricked phone shop employees into obtaining duplicate SIM cards, after which they received security and authentication messages from banks, allowing them to completely empty his accounts. the victims.

This is how the hacker managed to steal millions of dollars in cryptocurrency through a “SIM swap”

as you will see, It’s not hard to get a duplicate SIMbecause despite the fact that the operator in question must ask for reliable proof such as DNI, the Techniques phishingAnd the fraud and the social engineering Enough to hijack a SIM card.

I actually got a duplicate of the SIM, the criminals already He will have access to most of our two-factor authentication systemsso getting into banking apps will be a piece of cake and won’t be complicated either Empty our accounts by authenticating the same operations.

What is SIM swap

With so much information inside, your mobile phone has become one of the main targets of hackers.

Regarding the news of police action in Spain, it appears that seven suspects have been arrested in Barcelona, ​​as well as another one who has been arrested in Seville, Up to 12 bank accounts were also frozen as part of the operation. According to reports, the first frauds attributed to this organization The date is from last March 2021.

According to experts, SIM card hijacking is already one of the most common cybercrimecausing millions of euros to be stolen from the victims’ bank accounts and virtual wallets, which end up being It is transferred directly and opaquely to countless cryptocurrency wallets which can no longer be tracked.

From the US FBI themselves they encrypted their files 1,611 complaints from SIM swap Only in 2021, resulting in theft More than 68 million dollars Only in the United States.

Be very careful with your smart phones and Always activate two-factor or three-factor authenticationWell, as you will see, it is no longer safe to authenticate everything with our smartphone by sending SMS messages with confirmation codes.

Here we leave you an article that explains in some detail the crimes of “SIM hijacking”:

What is SIM swap and why you should be careful with this widespread phone scam

Related topics: MovingAnd the Technique

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