The Mutants hold their meeting on January 8th at the Idriss Mohamed Oya Stadium

Tchad: les Transformateurs maintiennent leur meeting du 8 janvier au stade Idriss Mahamat Ouya

The converts sent a letter on December 6 to the National Office of Youth and Sports requesting the organization of a meeting on January 8 at the Idriss Mohamed Oya stadium, the largest in the capital.

On Monday, January 3, they received a response from the organization responsible for managing the stadium, indicating that on this date a meeting could not be held because the enclosure would be under repair.

But immediately, on Tuesday morning, nothing indicated that the largest stadium in N’Djamena was not under construction. But in the afternoon, billboards were set up around the stadium to announce the opening of a construction site.

What makes the Transformers boss, Masra Success, smile. “I don’t know if a call for bids (for works) was launched, did you see it passed?” It looks like it’s over the counter… and on what budget? We are at the beginning of the year, the budget has just been voted on… The project has not started so quickly in this country! “Someone said that we should organize meetings in all the stadiums in this country until they are renovated,” Masra Succès laughs. “It’s a good idea! ”

Transfers who depend on the arbitration of the President of the Transitional Military Council. They assure that they will go to the Idriss Mohamed Oia stadium on Saturday 8 January and have offered to help clean the place the next day, especially since we do not work on Saturdays on construction sites in Chad.

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