Shiba Inu (SHIB) Developers Announced Phase One of Doggy DAO • Coinkolik

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Developers Announced Phase One of Doggy DAO • Coinkolik

The developers of Shiba Inu (SHIB) have announced the first phase of Doggy DAO, a decentralized independent entity that aims to transfer control of the ShibaSwap DEX project to the SHIB community.

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DAO 1, released in beta today, will help the Shiba Inu community learn about crypto projects and trading pairs to be added to ShibaSwap’s WOOF liquidity pools. DEXThey will be allowed to vote on how the rewards will be distributed in the BONE Governance Token.

“It’s all about making it more decentralized,” said Queenie, ShibaSwap’s Discord moderator, during the Twitter Spaces AMA.

Besides DAO 1, ShibaSwap users can receive a governance token. share You will be able to vote on the projects to be listed by placing BONE tokens to get tBONE, the upgraded version.

Queenie said the first phase will be beta-like:

“Phase 1 will technically be considered as a beta but it will be a lot more advanced than you would normally consider a beta. We just want to get feedback from the community to make sure things are going as planned.”

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