After repeated requests, Instagram has returned to its old job that allowed “Al-Khulza” posts to be shared in its Stories. An announcement that this will stop working was announced last December, which was not well received by users.

The announcement was made after the company confirmed that the community “wants to see fewer feed posts in the stories”, which sparked outrage as nothing that appears in the “Home” or “Explore” section can be shared.


Instagram removed this post in different parts of the world to rate how people felt about stories, as reported at the time Social media today.

Social Network Users They had to find out with the “guides” tool., Which allows content to be shared in stories, but still fails to impress at all.

Occupation Now available on devices, both Android and iOSAnd, if you are still unable to perform this procedure, try to update the application as the tool will be gradually integrated.

This news was born Various reactions On social networks, people expressed their joy at being able to share posts in the stories.