Darren Roberts | Wales | He thought his neck hurt from watching TV, but it was the worst case: “I got paralyzed” | Quadriplegia | United Kingdom | Narration | EC Stories | Globalism

Darren Roberts |  Wales |  He thought his neck hurt from watching TV, but it was the worst case: “I got paralyzed” |  Quadriplegia |  United Kingdom |  Narration |  EC Stories |  Globalism

Darren Roberts, a resident of the Sinon Valley area, , was at his family home watching TV in July 2019 when he felt pain in his neck and shoulder. What he thought was a simple pinched nerve ended in the worst way: he was completely paralyzed from his neck down.

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Robertsa lively man, a fan of cars and golf, he was 36 years old, leaning in front of the TV when he felt sharp stitch. follow it Feeling like a thousand pins were stuck in his arms. To alleviate these inconveniences which I did not think were serious, The man went to take a shower, but immediately his arms, feet, legs, hips, and even his torso became numb.

Twenty minutes later This is the ex-manager of a construction tools rental company Previously He could not move any part of his anatomy, except for his head. And he was literally trapped in his bathtub.

Darren Roberts received treatment at various hospitals in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. (Wales).

“My parents immediately called the ambulance and when they arrived they had to take me out of the bathroom because of it From my neck down I was dead.”calculated Roberts The man was taken to a local hospital, where he had an MRI. It was already quite still.

Soon, he was transferred to University of Wales Hospital Cardiff, He was admitted to intensive care, and they had to proceed to put him in an induced coma. “They told my family to prepare for the worst”calculated Robertswho added: “Fortunately, I started responding to treatment and came out of the coma after four weeks.”

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Then, The man noticed that his condition was really serious: he had irreparable spinal cord damage. “I knew my life would never be the same again. A massive thing, because I have always been a very independent person” Roberts.

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“Because the doctors didn’t know the cause of my condition, they couldn’t tell me if I would be cured”added the man from welsh. Until September 2019After being taken to hospital Rookwood, who is also in Cardiff, confirmed that his spine problem will last forever.

What condition are you going through? Roberts is a quadriplegic. Which means that you need help with almost all the chores of your daily life. I cannot eat or drink without help. I also suffer from total enuresis.” mentioned.

Darren Roberts received the scariest diagnosis in September 2019: he had quadriplegia and the condition of his spinal cord was irreversible.  (Wallpapers online).
Darren Roberts received the scariest diagnosis in September 2019: he had quadriplegia and the condition of his spinal cord was irreversible. (Wallpapers online).

The man admitted it when he found out His disability status will be forever, and his mood has plummeted. “Nothing can prepare you for news that you will never walk again, but to be told this The fact that I would never be able to use my hands again was devastating -Referred-. I feel like I’m just a burden to everyone Which does help with depression and anxiety. “

Finally, he mentioned that his family was a “Great help” Throughout the process and treatment, he also praised the help and dedication of the medical team who treated him during the pandemic. “The Rookwood staff did their best to keep the room Covid-free “The whole time we were there,” he said. Roberts.


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