Barack Obama says Donald Trump should compromise and place the country above his ego

Barack Obama says Donald Trump should compromise and place the country above his ego

Barack Obama Called on Donald Trump To abandon the US elections, and urge him to put the country’s interest above his ego and self-interests.

On the day Mr. Trump tweeted from the White House that he had no plans to do anything like that, and claimed without evidence that the vote was “rigged,” his predecessor launched a stinging attack on him, saying his actions were harmful to the country.

“The president is a public servant. They are temporary occupants of the office, by design. And when your time comes, your job is to put the state first and think beyond your ego, your own interests, your own disappointments,” 60 minutes.

“My advice to President Trump is, if you want at this late stage in the game to be remembered as the person who put the country in the first place, it is time for you to do the same.”

And when Scott Pelly was asked whether he thought the president needed to compromise, he said, “Sure. Well, I mean, I think it’s probably time for him to abdicate – on the day after the election – or at least two days after the election.

“When you look at the numbers objectively, Joe Biden will have won easily. There is no scenario in which any of these countries will turn the other way, and it is certainly not sufficient to reverse the outcome of the elections.”

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He was largely silent, but spared few punches when he started his campaign with 77-year-old Biden. He said, “I understand why there were times when my supporters wanted me to be darker, and get rid of it a little more.”

He said he felt the need to speak out now because the way the president was behaving was “not normal.”

He told a second CBS interviewer, Gail King, “It’s not a good idea to be there. I think we’ve been in a circumstance in this election where certain rules have been violated, certain very important institutional values ​​- it was important to me, as someone who worked at that.” The office, simply telling people, “It’s not normal.”

In the eight days since Joe Biden had garnered enough Electoral College votes to cross the 270 threshold to win the White House, many have pointed to the tradition of the outgoing president acting kindly, whether it was George W. Bush who invited Obama to the White House next. He won in 2008, or Obama called Mr. Trump and Melania Trump in 2016.

For now, there is concern that because Mr. Trump is delaying the move, Biden and his team are not receiving the benefits of the full briefing from the intelligence services.

“There is an old adage that party politics should stop at the water’s edge, right? That is, when it comes to our foreign policy, it is the United States of America, not the divided states of America.”

Obama was asked about a line in his book, in which he wrote that “our democracy appears to be teetering on the brink of crisis.”

“We went through a presidency that ignored a whole set of basic institutional standards, and the expectations that we had for a president that Republicans and Democrats had previously noticed,” he said in an interview broadcast Sunday night.

And perhaps most importantly, and most disturbing, what we have seen is what some people call the decay of truth, something that the outgoing President Trump has hastened in the sense that we not only have to tell the truth, but the truth does not “matter.”

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