“Zero” on Netflix. Successful or failed? Provisions for “new generations”

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The highly anticipated “Zero” TV series, featuring African-Italian youth, which was released this week on Netiflix, divides the “new generations” audience. There are those who can no longer separate themselves from TV, those who wanted to give up but then changed their minds and those who looked at it realized that they are not the ideal audience. And you? Have you seen it Let us know if you like …

DrAnd Elisa Mariani and Margarita de GaspresNuoveRadici.World

Netfix series zero Which was broadcast on April 21 in 190 countries at the top of the charts in Italy. But what does Generation Z think, whether Italian or with an immigrant background? What about millennials? Do you feel the second generations as an actress? Does dialogue and plot really cross the stereotypes? And what context Barona and Suburbs relate authoritatively? We asked several interlocutors, who divided themselves into three categories. The enthusiasts, who see the grandmother but have a doubt, and who believe in it zero She did not fulfill her promises.

«League zero It is the same fresh air that the Italian Panorama needs, a representation of an unprecedented Milan that few see and talk about a little. ” Shane Alessandro Zing, film director. “I watched the first four episodes of zero All in one go because it is a series that you watch without boredom, fast and stress. So it starts well. It’s hard to talk about it zero Without emphasizing the series’ great novelty: for the first time an entire cast of Afro-Italian actors was playing. Good news for people like me who have grown up in the complete absence of television acting. However, the most interesting narrative component (in my opinion) remains a passion zero, Hero, for illustrations. Ultimately, its color doesn’t matter. Instead he said, “What matters is his talent.” Sarah Limlim Pre-signed reporter and video maker NuoveRadici.World

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Finally, the series has also reached Italy and its heroes are Italian boys of foreign origin. The Netflix series has a somewhat fictional and sometimes mystical environment, but the message that goes through is a true one: We can all be heroes and use our weaknesses As strengths, especially if we’re in a team. For the next series of this kind, I hope to see more colors. ” Iara Heidememberger, Digital creator. «A very realistic series that represents a reality that has not yet been narrated, it has succeeded in representing the demands of young Italians with an immigrant background who find themselves in need of superpowers to be their value more than zero. ”He replied Anass Hanafi, President of NILI, the Italian Network of Leaders for Inclusion.

Some doubts

“zero It is a beautiful and interesting series in many ways, but it did not fully meet my expectations. The cast is exceptional, the actors have excellent expression and the ability to engage scenes, and the photography is impeccable. However, the text contains many narrative gaps, plots can be anticipated and situations are often anticipated. The story itself takes some “American” selections but shows them, reminding us that it is aimed more at an international audience like Netflx than Italy. Post-production left a bitter taste in my mouth: scenes in which you see noise (waves being created against a white background) and other little details suggesting it was shot on a medium-low budget. Given the power of the advertising campaign, I didn’t expect that. ” Cecilia Parini, Alfagender spokesperson on Ca ‘Foscari Radio.

“zero It’s a lovely story that knows how to laugh and brings to the screen a new product by Italian standards. Not that there are no shortcomings: choppy narration, acting leaves something to be desired, and exchanges are not very logical and instinctive. There are also disturbing stereotypes, like the black man emerging out of nowhere with a rifle in hand that deserves an American script but out of context in Italy. zero However, it was still the beginning. It is exciting to see on screen young boys of Italian Afro-Italian origin, among the many problems, also face racism in the Italian dimension, in our linguistic languages ​​and in our places. ” Michela Fantuzzi, Web writer and blog author lemon TreeD. NuoveRadici.World

Minute 17. If not for the desire to write about it, for me zero It stops at the 17th minute of the first episode. I restarted, postponed flat dialogues, Moccian suggestions, paranormal philosophical powers and yes – I changed my mind. It’s not a bad series: it’s just that it was designed this way. Comic book dialogues and plot winks to those who owe it, who are clearly much younger than me. So what zero Both, if in this key it will make the invisible second generation clear, wake it up and remind it of all the superpowers that it wields, ” he explained Christina Kiran Beauty, Journalist and editor NuoveRadici.World

Who was not able

“ Slogans instead of thinking, rickety dialogues and torn thoughts are the grammar of the language zero Just like the stylistic signature of today’s youth culture fueled by video games, trap music, and social media. So it seems to me that the show is in harmony with its audience. The only antidote to someone my age is reading Chapter From Search After each episode. Milan photography disassembles and reassembles to make it more brilliant and fluid. A Disney scenario where messengers, criminals, witches, industrialists, the unemployed, the privileged, usurers, and shopkeepers of all colors seem to understand each other perfectly. The city of my dreams. Episodes 7 and 8 change pace and end with a second series worth Jodorowsky. He said Matteo Mattini Project Manager, Founder of Vitality social.

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“I watched the series with great curiosity zeroNot because most of the heroes are Italians of immigrant background, but to see how complex our generation is that has been highlighted. I can say it’s a series, a fantasy, that I don’t normally watch, where the cartoonist’s Omar’s imagination flows so much even over the peripheral reality it is inserted into. The only news for me was that the different actors eventually discovered heroes, just like we are in real life. The cinematic footprint appears to follow American texts, even in coercive and sometimes stereotypical language. It might also be an option, he explained, to speak to an audience outside of Italian borders. Simohamed KaabourHead of National Coordination for Italian New Generations (CoNNGI).

(Elisa Mariani and Margarita de Gaspres – new the roots)

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