Usage may require a modest rate hike

Usage may require a modest rate hike


Green Pass Covid, Italy and the European Union: How to get it, what is it for

EU transfers for free tourism and travel in Italy between regions – from Lazio to Lombardy, from Sicily to Veneto, and from Puglia to Friuli – in light of the summer of 2021. The European Union Green Card is expected to be issued in June. Pending the international “card” for vaccination and treatment, the “national” green corridor will be used in Italy, as Prime Minister Mario Draghi indicated at the press conference on the results of the G20 tourism ministerial meeting. “We must present clear and simple rules to ensure that tourists can reach us safely. The European Green Corridor will be ready as of the second half of June. Meanwhile, the Italian government has introduced a national green corridor, which will be in force since the second half of May,” said the President. Ministers. “Waiting for the European Green Corridor, the Italian government has introduced a national green corridor that will allow people to move between regions.” In Italy, the government’s recent reopening decree states that “As of April 26, 2021, travel between different regions of the white and yellow areas is permitted. In addition, persons with a“ green certificate ”are also permitted to travel between regions and autonomous provinces in Orange or red area, “as stated in Palazzo Chigi’s Cdm Note. The reopening decree introduces the graft scroll tool in correct perspective, which will make the movements in and out of the red and orange areas more fluid. The document has not yet been determined on the basis of the indicators that the Ministry of Health will provide. In the meantime, what needs to be done to travel from the red and orange regions? In addition to the cases that require self-certification (work, health reasons, emergencies), it is necessary to obtain a certificate proving vaccination (with the second dose not received more than 6 months) or the negative result of a swab that was taken no more than before 48 hour. These requirements also apply to minors, with the exception of children under the age of two. Palazzo Chigi explains that the vaccination card, included in the decree, will allow people to move “from one area to another even if it is red or orange areas”. The requirements for obtaining a pass, which the family doctor can also issue, are clarified: “Anyone who has completed the vaccination course (which lasts six months from the end of the specified course) and becomes ill with Covid virus, can obtain the green certificate and be processed (lasts six months from the certificate of recovery). ), Who has performed molecular tests or rapid tests with negative results (lasting 48 hours from the date of the test). Therefore, the passage will be up to those who have been vaccinated and those who can show a negative molecular smear that was performed within 48 hours prior to the transition. The pass is also necessary for a palace. Children under the age of two are exempt. Sources from Palazzo Chigi declared that “the green certificates issued by the member states of the European Union are recognized as valid in Italy. Those of a third country if the vaccination is recognized as equivalent to that valid on the national territory”. The European system that will produce the “Green Pass” valid throughout the European Union will be “technically ready” on June 1, as a senior EU official recently made clear. The practical application of the certification will depend on negotiations between the European Parliament and the European Council, but the goal is to complete them and bring the regulation into effect by “the end of June”. At this stage, once the regulation is adopted, the green pass is no longer “optional”, but a “right” for every EU citizen, under the law. The first large group of countries (France, Malta, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Estonia, Sweden, Croatia, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Iceland and Greece) will start the testing phase “around May 10”. A second group (Latvia, Romania, Cyprus, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Denmark and Slovenia) will begin testing “near the end of May”, while five others (Hungary, Belgium, Norway, Liechtenstein and Slovakia) have decided not to do so. Participate in tests and contact the platform directly during the implementation phase. The certificate will certify, through a QR code application or paper format, the vaccination against Covid-19, the number of doses received, treatment for Covid in the previous six months and the presence of relative antibodies (by test) or negative result of a swab, Pcr or quick (will be negotiated) Technical details on this by participating legislators). After that, it would be up to each member state to determine entry requirements into their territory: these are exclusive national competencies and the European Union cannot impose anything in this area. Can only recommend.

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