Warren Buffett appointed his successors

Washington – Warren Buffett is undoubtedly one of the most popular investors of all time (so much so that he deserves a cool quote in Martin Scorsese’s cult of “The Wolf of Wall Street”).

The 90-year-old Oracle Omaha, also renamed due to his near-supernatural acumen, has no plans to retire to private life but realizes the years are starting to run long. “The managers agree that if anything happens to me tonight, Gregg will take over tomorrow morning,” he told CNBC.

Gregg is Greg Abel, 59, Canadian, and has been vice president of Berkshire Hathaway since 2018. However, Buffett is a long-term strategist and looks further: “If, God forgive me, something happened to Greg tonight, then that would Yigit. ”This is Ajit Jin, 69, another vice president of the creature he founded that ended the first fiscal quarter with a net profit of $ 11.7 billion (CHF 10.65 billion).“ They are both wonderful people. Yet the prospect of someone remaining at the helm for 20 years makes a real difference. “

The holding company chaired business conglomerate brilliantly recovered from the troubles of 2020. Operating profit rose to more than $ 7 billion, and business volume was better than analysts ’estimates, at $ 64.6 billion.

Things are going well for Buffett’s pockets and for a lot of investors, but the 90-year-old warned: The climate of the US economy is “hot” because of the Biden plan allocations. The invitation is to be careful not to speculate on a single address.

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