The economy, 2021 the year of recovery but also the year of the inflation race: the balance sheet

The economy, 2021 the year of recovery but also the year of the inflation race: the balance sheet

The recovery of the economy in 2021 was successful and 2022 will be the year of central banks

The past 12 months certainly did not go smoothly on the pandemic front: due to a resurgence of cases, governments have been forced to New restrictive measures those who have effect on consumption and they have In some moments the pace of GDP slowed down.

Not only this, the New variants, Delta first, then Omicron, repeatedly undermined investor confidence. Bottlenecks in supply chains have led to bottlenecks globally inflation rush, which creates a new headache for central banks Optimism was obliterated by the launch of vaccination campaigns.

The recovery of the economy is still successful and at this stage 2022 will be the year of central banks, where in the coming months they will begin to tighten their monetary policy, reducing the aid given to families and businesses, but also leaving many questions about the possible consequences.

2021 Economic Balance Sheet

Opens at the beginning of the yearI know about the uncertainty Due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, concerns about the political situation in the United States after the assault on a group of protesters on Capitol Hill and World Economic Forum Which accused countries of ignoring the risks of the pandemic for years, with potential long-term repercussions for the global economy.

5 la world bank It publishes a report downgrading the growth estimates for global GDP, which in 2021 should grow by 4% instead of the forecast of 4.2%. Pessimism is leaking from Washington, mainly due to fears of a new wave of infections from Covid-19 and warns: There will be no recovery until after a massive vaccination campaign from the virus.

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in a China Meanwhile, Beijing’s 2020 GDP data continued to grow even in the epidemic year, avoiding a recession (+2.3%) as it leads the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges to set new records.

Sixth is the day Capitol Hill. A group of pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol. The prevailing fear is the collapse of the American lists, which regained what they lost after the March 2021 lists. Fears faded the next day as investors completely ignored political tensions, confident of fresh economic stimulus Wall Street sets new records, with the Nasdaq index exceeding 13,000 points for the first time.

Warnings feed it Which in the previous hours expected a return to “normality” only in the second half of the year, because the first part of 2021 will be marked by weak growth and fears of new closings.

The fourteenth president of the United States, Joe Bidenannounce 1.9 trillion new stimulus plans dollars to revive the economy. Biden says it’s a “preventive plan” to support low-income earners. 19 is the Day of Alert of the World Economic Forum, which it accuses in its report on global risks: for 15 years the alert about the risks associated with the pandemic has been ignored, and now the risks weigh on the world of business and work and on younger generations who have been hit by two global economic crises.

On the 21st, the European Central Bank warned: The resurgence of the coronavirus pandemic is jeopardizing the recovery and economic activity may also decline in the first three months of 2021. Frankfurt confirms Eurozone GDP growth estimate But she also says she is ready to adapt all her tools if necessary: ​​”Nothing can be ruled out.” Christine Lagarde He leaves prices unchanged, as well as the size and duration of Pepp, while announcing that the €1,850 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program will remain in place until March 2022.

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February lights at the end of the tunnel

Twenty-eight days marked the restoration of confidence. The first reopenings brought oil to pre-Covid levels, whichThe eurozone sees the light at the end of the tunnelItaly was also able to see it stronger than others thanks to the good influence at the international level to appoint Mario Draghi as Prime Minister. Stock exchanges are experiencing ups and downs, but they continue to break new records.

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