€353,500 requirement allowance – saarinfos.de

Unser Foto zeigt (vlnr) Erster Beigeordneter Maik Licher, Bürgermeister Joshua Pawlak, Innenminister Klaus Bouillon, Umweltminister Reinhold Jost, Gerhard Kerber, Nicole Enzweiler, Raphael Schäfer. MdL.

rural investment plan

The municipality of Rehlingen-Siersburg receives a need provision from the special funding program “Rural Development”.

The Rehlingen-Siersburg community has received a need provision of €353,500 through the special funding program “Rural Development”. They were introduced by Interior Minister Klaus Buyon and Environment Minister Reynolds Jost. Mayor Joshua Pollack said: “With this funding, we can now rapidly implement many projects and plans in our community, continuing to build and address important renovations that have been necessary for so long. We would therefore like to thank Interior Minister Klaus Buyon and Environment Minister Reynolds Jost for their support.”

The financing program aims to expand and strengthen village centers in rural areas. It is preferable to focus on the structural and functional renovation of the city center, such as the revitalization of residential and commercial buildings that have been vacant for a long time, which, due to their often central location, have a negative impact on the overall picture, but on the other hand, many improvements in the redesign – have opportunities. Minister Boualon stressed that “through funding, important village development projects can be implemented that benefit citizens and local associations.”

55-65% of the costs are covered by the Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection. 25-35% of the needs allocation comes from the Ministry of Interior, Construction and Sports. Thus the financing rate will be increased to 90%.

The funds of the Ministry of the Interior are used as follows:
€49,000 – Renovation of the heating system in the community center in the village of Gerlvangen – Total cost €200,000
€105,000 – Active renovation of the village community center in Emersdorf – Total cost €300,000
€93,000 – demolition of the Ulbrich house and remodeling of the open space – total cost €260,000
€80,000 – Conversion and renovation of Saint Florian’s house including the construction of a barrier-free toilet
The total cost is 300,000 euros
€26,500 – DRK . Town Hall Renovation
The total cost is 90 thousand euros

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