Desire for more design space – Ebringen

Desire for more design space - Ebringen

BZ SERIES: Margaret Gartiser in the first inning at the Ebringer Council.

(BZ). Local elections took place two and a half years ago. In the middle of the legislative period, Breisgau’s editorial staff asked those newly elected on the committee what their expectations of serving in the council were, whether or not they were fulfilled. Today: Margaret Garteser, citizen of Ibringen

“Working in the citizen group ‘Bürger für Ebringen’, I already knew what the tasks of the municipal council were. However, I was surprised at how long building inquiries, which are often associated with a whole host of exemption requests, took place at meetings” there is no doubt In that society should develop further. But I was imagining more space to design the living environment of the village. Urgent issues such as climate protection and sustainability, and social issues such as efforts to find suitable housing for the village. Elderly and social housing, traffic problems, local supply and preservation of the village restaurant, given our vulnerable nature right next door in Schönberg, should be further included in our efforts for the future of the place. It can be used better here.

At first, the various introductory seminars were very good, for example in construction law and finance, which made it easy to get started. The workshop on developing a development plan was also satisfactory, as a good representation of the different viewpoints was achieved. Depending on the topic at hand, it may take a few hours of personal effort. In addition to meetings, there are also regular research and exchanges with the Citizens Group for Ebringen. I experience the Municipal Council as an important democratic component in which everyone who seriously participates in the interests of citizens contributes.”

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