Windows 10 is used by 1.3 billion computers, but the latest version is less than half

On the day Windows 10 was released, the US software giant set a goal to run the system on 1 billion computers. This milestone was surpassed a year ago, and as evidenced by the current data, the share of formulations is constantly increasing. 300 million active facilities were added last year alone.

However, Windows 10 saw its biggest boom almost immediately after the start of sales, that is, in mid-2015. Microsoft offered it as a free update for owners of older versions of the OS, but only for 12 months. So the free immigration option was terminated in mid-2016.

This, of course, had a negative impact on people’s interests. Immediately after the start of sales, several million users turned into dozens. As early as the beginning of 2016, thanks to the free update, an average of 800 to 900 thousand users installed this OS daily. However, after the free update ended, the number of new installations decreased dramatically.

It should also be emphasized that the dozens have changed dramatically over the past six years as Microsoft regularly improves them every year and adds new features and skills. The version currently offered can do a lot more than any previous version.

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