Trump has not given up yet? 11 Republicans Senator fueling election results, Biden won

Trump has not given up yet? – January 3rd France Press agency And the BBC I mentioned that the senators from the Republican Party Eleven people signed a statement to the media saying they will present their case to the new Congress that will open on January 6.

There is an agenda for approval President Joe Biden He is the 46th leader of the United States. The Doubtful Electoral Commission is set up for a period of 10 days.


The case was seen by many US media. It is an attempt to go back and reverse the election results that President Donald Trump You lose

President Trump continued to be subject to sanctions and accusations of massive fraud in the election. Evidence has not been presented to show to the community, however, while each state’s electoral commission insists there is no fraud. This resulted in courts in many states not accepting all claims from Republicans.


The statement read, President Trump immediately tweeted, “There are the most suspicious and suspicious events in the 2020 US leadership elections.” This is my attempt to steal a landslide election victory. Don’t let this happen! “

part Mr. Mike Pence Vice President of the United States Congratulations to 11 Republicans in the Senate for trying to turn down Biden’s victory.

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