Sony apologizes for the pre-order mess on PS5 •

Sony apologizes for the pre-order mess on PS5 •

Sony has apologized for the mayhem caused by pre-orders for the PlayStation 5 this week.

“Let’s be honest: PS5 pre-orders could have been smoother,” Sony said in a tweet on the official PlayStation account. “We really apologize for that.

“Over the next few days, we’ll release more PS5 consoles for pre-order – retailers will share more details.

More PS5s will be available through the end of the year.

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Sony came under fire this week after PS5 pre-orders went live on Wednesday night UK time – before it was officially announced.

in August, Sony said it would not be surprised by the reveal of pre-orders for the PS5. “I think it’s safe to say,” said Eric Limble, Head of Global Marketing at PlayStation.

“It won’t happen after a minute’s notice. We’ll let you know sometime when you can pre-order the PS5, so please don’t feel like you have to run and line up anywhere until you officially receive notice of how this will work.”

But shortly after Sony’s PS5 show ended, pre-orders opened at select retailers, and fans were quick to cut their money. The request caused chaos on the Internet. Such as Eurogamer reported earlier today: “With retailers’ websites wavering under the pressure of the internet crowd, the victor has turned to social media to celebrate, while leaving the defeated shrink, hoping that he will be fortunate in the coming weeks.

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“Now, just a few days later, the next step in the console pre-order dance has been taken: worrying about canceled pre-orders, retailer’s warnings about delivery on launch day, and laughter all the way to the bank.”

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Sony’s tweet indicates that stores will provide more PS5s for pre-order next week, which is welcome for those hoping to acquire one of their coveted consoles. But will there be enough stock to run around?

The PS5 launches on November 12, 2020.

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