Sanofi wants to produce the Biontech Pfizer vaccine in Frankfurt

DrCollaboration between pharmaceutical companies has reached a new level in the fight against the Coronavirus crisis: The French pharmaceutical company Sanofi has wanted to help produce a vaccine for its rival Biontech-Pfizer since the summer. Since the French vaccine is several months late, Sanofi has free capabilities.

“We will use our factory in Frankfurt for this,” said Paul Hudson, CEO of Sanofi. In an interview with the daily “Le Figaro”. Hudson said that between July and the end of this year, Sanofi could deliver about 100 million more cans than it could. The additional shipments will go to European Union countries.

The French government recently urged Sanofi to study the question of how to achieve an increase in production through cooperation with competitors. “We looked at several options before contacting Pfizer / Biontech, which we signed an agreement with on Tuesday,” Hudson said.

The Biontech headquarters is not far away

The factory in Frankfurt-Höchst is well suited as it is not far from the Biontech headquarters in Mainz. In Frankfurt, materials supplied by Biontech will be adapted and packed. Because this has to happen in a completely sterile environment at very low temperatures, the process is “more complicated than it appears”.

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