Novak Djokovic: father with a fit of arrogance – “God sent him”

Novak Djokovic wins the 2021 Australian Open. Baba Sardjan is very proud.

© Brandon Malone / AFP

It is not surprising that parents are proud of their children. However, Novak Djokovic’s father lost ground under his feet after Grand Slam’s recent victory.

MUNICH – Serjan Djokovic (60), controversial father Novak (33), surpassed the mark (again). In an interview with a Serbian newspaper courier He raised his son to the level of a deity after his recent victory in Australia. “In the worst of times for the Serbian people, God sent him to show that we are a normal people and we are not murderers and savages,” says the elder.

Novak Djokovic: Is the tennis star getting little attention in the Western media?

The family lived the Yugoslav Wars firsthand in the 1990s. When Novak was 12 years old, his hometown Belgrade was bombed. Sardjan said his son is a “hard worker and representative of Serbia in the world” and criticized “Western media” that focus only on Roger Federer and Raphael Nadal. But you can’t stop an 18-time winner in a major tournament. “He is incomparable. (…) In the next year and a half he will be the best. In all statistics.”

The Serbian athlete won the Australian Open for the ninth (!) Time alone. After the victory he explained how he celebrates the victory – and what he thinks of criticizing himself:

Djokovic’s father criticizes: “Novak is everywhere, not just in the West.”

The world will recognize this, not just the West. “China, India, Russia, Brazil and Africa – Novak is an ubiquitous god.” He even testified that he kept his grandfather alive for a long time by playing tennis. “Grandfather Nola watched every match despite his severe illness. So he extended his life for several years. (…) Novak turns old people’s lives into a fairy tale.” (Mm)

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