Marcel was shot dead during a match – scientist –

There are also wounded.

A person was killed during a football match in Marseille.

about this reach Radio France Bleu with reference to the police.

Another person was seriously injured.

According to the president of the 15th district of Marseille, Nadia Boulencer, two players may be from the “Malpas” team. They participated in the H Cup, a popular inter-regional football tournament.

Local media also reported the presence of a number of attackers. According to journalists, the shooters got to the stadium by car and opened fire on players.

I remember that At least three people were seriously injured in the shootingWhat happened in Berlin.

We’ll be adding the young man in Arizona in an hour and a half I arranged eight shootingsA truck driver was killed and 12 people were injured. The man opened fire on cars and pedestrians from the window of a white SUV. The ages of the victims ranged from 19 to 56 years.

Formerly in Maryland, USA Unidentified open fire To pedestrians in a Baltimore neighborhood. It is noted that as a result of the shooting, one person was missing, and five others are in the hospital in critical condition.

And in the US state of Georgia, as a result of a shooting in a supermarket in Atlanta cashier died, who argued with the buyer about wearing a protective mask.

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