How to send lost photos and videos: We tried the new WhatsApp messages that can only be viewed once

WhatsApp now has messages that disappear and can only be seen once.

Source: SmartLife / Marko Cavic

WhatsApp made a choice View Once . profile, which allows users to send photos and recordings that the recipient can view only once before destroying them themselves forever.

This feature is great for anyone who wants to send sensitive data or media content, but it’s worth noting that it’s not currently available to everyone, and other users will likely receive it in the future.

before you send Show message onceYou have to know that WhatsApp will notify you when the other party views your video or message, and also show you when the other user opens media content.

Users who receive such messages will be able to save them by downloading content or, in the case of images, taking a screenshot (screenshot). my choice Message dataUsers who send one of these messages will be able to access data such as opening time and others.

The blocked contacts who are in the same group will be able to see these photos and recordings, they will not be able to send a message, but they will be able to communicate in that group.

How to send missing WhatsApp content:

  • Open WhatsApp
  • Enter the conversation or group you want to send such a message to
  • At the bottom of the screen there is a paperclip icon used to add media content
  • Select gallery, then what you want to send
  • If there is a number 1 next to the send button, that means you can access the self-destructing messages and
  • You need to click on this number and send a message.

Regardless of whether the other party has disabled other users from checking their status, you will be able to know when the message was opened by viewing the text opened, and if the message is specified, eg. tag will generate an option”IWhich brings up more details about this message.

It is interesting that users who are still unable to access to send such messages can access them if they receive them, and when they open and view them, they will be destroyed.

Although WhatsApp already had an option for messages that disappear, the main difference between the new and old options is that when you use messages disappear Status messages only disappear after seven days, while in status View Once . profile They disappear instantly.

Another difference is that it is View Once . profile Limited photo and video doc messages disappear You can also use it for text messages.

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