Google Camera was a great tool for night photography

A few days ago, Google implemented the traditional Pixel Feature Drop, or introduce new features to its most important apps on Pixel phones. We wrote about the news overview from the month of June. There is one among them that definitely deserves special attention. Google Camera has an advantage chronological astrophotography. As the name implies, it is a sequential acquisition Time-lapse videos in the popular “astronomical” mode To photograph the night sky.

The novelty appeared in the tool after updating to version 8.2.400 and is available in the advanced settings. For obvious reasons, the application warns in this mode that the result can take up a lot of space on the mobile phone. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account this Acquisition and storage will take some time. Right with the time-lapse astrophotography news, Google Camera notes that if a user wants to take a time-lapse video in addition to a regular night photo, they should pick up the phone At least two and a half minutes.

We believe that the result of this examination will certainly be very interesting. Similar to the current “astronomical” mode for night photography, it is one of the best modes that Google has included in its Photos app. There is news at the moment Officially available for phones pixels from version 4, but maybe we can count on an early unofficial mod for other mobiles.

How often do you take pictures of the night sky with your mobile phone?

Source: front lines

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