Arranged by Apple, received by the Apple iPhone SE.!

We’ve heard a lot of news that the items you get on order to online stores are changing. But many of it was less than needed. Therefore, it has often been considered a scam. But here the situation has really changed. Apple ordered the order, and it was really shocked when it was received. iPhone SE that surprises anyone when opened.

Nick James, 50, from Twickenham, UK, is the lucky winner. He recently made a click and order on Tesco, a global supermarket chain. James chose Apple. When James went to collect his order, he was surprised to discover that the supermarket hadn’t actually put an apple into his order, which is the Apple iPhone SE.

He was surprised and confused when he found out. He checked his credit card bill twice. He realized one thing, realizing that he had actually paid for an apple he could eat. He hasn’t paid the iPhone SE bill he received. He thought it was a big mistake. But it wasn’t wrong that James had the iPhone SE. It was a Tesco marketing gimmick, and it was an amazing marketing strategy for its clients. This supermarket chain used to give such gifts to their customers from time to time. That’s how James got the Apple SE. The supermarket calls this exchange a super-substitute.

James Tesco thanked him on Twitter. He wrote, “Thank you very much to Tesco and Tescomobile this week. When we clicked us on Wednesday evening and went to pick up the order, there was a little surprise. Luckily, I got an Apple iPhone SE. Apparently, Apple got the Apple iPhone which I got without asking !

This isn’t the first case of Tesco. Another user, Kirsty Marie, recently shared her experience shopping at a Tesco store. Like James, Marek got a pair of “supersub” airpods from Tesco. Tesco says Super Substitute provides users with the opportunity to acquire a smartphone or accessories by placing a click and collecting orders in the store. Apple replaced iPhone SE, Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 instead of tablets, and Nokia phone instead of GNOCH. What is not?

Last update April 15, 2021 10:06 PM IST

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