This is how Sports Director Uwe Klein saw the Fortuna match at FC Ingolstadt

Place your re-order Thien achievement, aehfcni oasnuFrt tintoiauS iigedtuen eou.neiznrnd zPlat zneh in der 2. guedanBlis its chiser ncthi der htInal allre emTräu – rvi keutnP tdüaksRcn Red eit.ßh fuA red eeadnnr teeSi nsdi zeiw ssswreuiAgäet ni Foegl warz besrteneermwk – hodc osolwh in eAu sal cuha ezjtt ni dtsgruacIIt.

Uew lneiK etsih das tgzuchriläsdn hicnt sdnare lsa eid beinrüg „raNühitcl urefne wri nsu eübr dne geSi imeb CF aIsodnttlg, dnu re tisted.huca vr nWen amn end elckeD ticnh fuard c, htma nnda nakn es enbe hcon anleim sicthhek .wee “rnd

lKein tha mit enisre ktiriK ezwi Sßcenontt.irhgu muZ nenei dei vnifOfs, ee die se am aagmSst emäutsvr theta, end hceneededntsi nrtidte rffeeTr uz. .hcshspSs Abre lsa eertgBietil It’s sad nihct so cöh.ns”

To read nne aht eiKln ied zneSe mi k, ciBl dei urz onetR Katre eggne alnFroi naKrimeeset f.trühe ed “rice smeoamZßnust icnzwseh olF udn nailFro ztaerrhH”, where he is allowed to “.zer zra „Fr „Er egoln Str. lpesil hbolow re zkur rozuv ncho ritdek an dre fhrgnuAsuü pure Ekce tigbeleti raw. aD isnd wri itnhc tug sarigrtoie, n sad frad se so htcin gene, b udn asd eüsnsm irw.

ignrldsl, Ae so tgüf er a, n tetäh heSrcdstiercih hTrnobe ReweiS ned trfelEem uzm 2: 1 tinch fifenep frdü.ne eKlah „d reNay gteh muz la, lB dun er slietp” lB nde, as. rde asoesstdeitVin ad thcni gnt, irefie fradü its dessie zWkuegre hdoc”

emirhmnI tehta re earb cahu eneigi tiipeovs kspeteA an der tieaPr mb.eketr oS hbea ied nMncatafhs cahn erd urFh1gn0: – ü durch derAn namnfoHf neei alkre te .rkeein riW ssmeün dne crunpAhs, benha ni ieemn chenosl epiSl chtudeil uz hna, emc ssad man ioennmdire nud cheCnan nshereaeispul i.llw ”

elnKi was geagend tref: u ssaD „iwr nenie cöshenn efrlbafofrpelKt cnha emnie ioFßrets mgtceah dnu dnan asd 2: 0 imapr speahueteglsri aeb.nh” reWied tletzv epiSoole ftrl. gut sktü, tbce da kotmm tpamcI onv dre k.anB thaistaM iemrZnnmma wtae ath ighrcit weoPr tgbcareh, alel rwselEieseeniclhp wrane clehigl.

hocD aws siretpsa nnu in dre rgaü? oethrTfer plae “aRh lofW awr auf edr” a, knB tags niKel, u “nd re hat bie edr rteesn gihwcears itontiaSu ni dotnlstagI upres.

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