All the new series coming in geek week

Some time ago, Netflix changed the name of its NX Twitter account, turning it into Netflix Geeked and making it a sharing space for all the streaming platform news related to geek culture (video games, comedy, sci-fi, fantasy…).

After the name change, the social media account announced a virtual event expected in the coming days. Actually, From 7 to 11 June Geeked Week is scheduled, and during this completely free event there will be space for news, insights and previews of some of Netflix’s most popular shows.

The Netflix Geeked Week It can be seen on all social channels (Twitter, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, Facebook) as well as on the website. Rahul Kohli i Marie Takahashi They will host specials, and will include Trisha Hershberger, Erika Ishii, Geoff Keighley, Yuri Lowenthal and Kiera Please among their guests.

In recent days only one poster of the event has been shared and in this there have been titles such as The Witcher with the second season approaching, The devil, The Sandman, Cowboy Bebop. We’ll also talk about upcoming surprises in The Umbrella Academy 3, Resident Evil, or about the upcoming new shows, as it already is. Cuphead Show, based on a series of video games that are very popular around the world, for which there is not much news about their adaptation yet.

However, Netflix recently released a press release with a list of all the titles that will be discussed in the coming days. So, here are all the products that will be present at Netflix Geeked Week:

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The Sandman, The Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, Gunpowder Milkshake, The Cuphead Show!, Arcane, Lucifer, Fear Street Trilogy, Kate, Castlevania, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, La Casa di Carta, Resident Evil, Cowboy Bebop, Cobra Kai Godzilla: Singular Point, Sweet Tooth, Vikings: Valhalla.

So on those days, keep your eyes open across different social networks so as not to miss any of the news expected on Netflix in the near future.

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