29 other planets watching Earth’s civilization

Friday, June 25, 2021 16:30 PM (GMT+7)

A group of American scientists claims that Earthlings are not the only species in the universe that aspires to create an alien civilization.

According to Science Alert, a joint work between Cornell University and the American Museum of Natural History (located in New York) has identified 2,034 star systems and galaxies that might have favorable angles for observing Earth, if there was a planet with life. Both are at a maximum of 326 light-years from Earth.

Another planet from another star system may have life and civilization with advanced astronomical observation techniques – Graphic image from NASA

Among them, people from 1,715 star systems may have discovered Earth when human civilization flourished 5,000 years ago, and 319 other worlds can discover us within the next 5,000 years.

More precisely, scientists continue to select 29 star systems near Earth and own at least one rocky planet located in the “habitable zone”, where an alien civilization may exist. , which is enough to identify signs of life on Earth using such astronomical instruments as well as pick up radio waves from us.

According to the Daily Mail, this work is intended to provide the necessary guidance for James Webb – the space telescope that NASA is about to launch into space. Previous observational instruments have found many alien worlds that have potential for life, even civilization, but not enough to look into the depths of the atmospheres of exoplanets, and observe life in those worlds. James Webb is expected to do just that.

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Professor Lisa Kaltenegger, director of the Carl Sangan Institute at Cornell University, and astrophysicist Jackie Ferti of the National Museum of Natural History said they searched for planets from data from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Gaiga telescope.

Source: https://nld.com.vn/khoa-hoc/29-hanh-tinh-khac-dang-theo-doi-nen-van-minh-cua-nguoi-trai-dat-2021…


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