The coronavirus has “brought this country to its knees,” says the director of the CDC

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Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Energy and Home Trade Committee on Tuesday that Americans should avoid crowds – but if they have to, wear a mask.

Simply put, Fauci said, “Plan A: Don’t go to the crowd. Plan B: If you do, be sure to wear a mask.”

The best American infectious disease expert said that with coronavirus still actively spreading across the country, “You should not gather in masses. You should keep your distance.”

For those who do not support public health guidelines to avoid crowds, Fauci appealed: “Please wear a mask. And while wearing a mask and getting into a situation where you are animated by a demonstration or demonstration or wherever you are, avoid – as best you can – the urge to take off your mask and shout. “

Addressing the younger generation earlier in the hearing, Fauci said: “If you become infected and spread the infection – even if you don’t get sick – you are part of the dynamics of the epidemic. And what you may propagate, unintentionally – perhaps innocently – infects someone who is vulnerable. “

Some background: Fauci’s comments come as officials in states across the South warn of it more young people are positive for coronavirus.

Changes in demographics have been recorded in parts of Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas and other states – many of which were the first to reopen.

And while some officials have pointed to more widespread testing, others say the new cases stem from Americans who have failed to reach social distance.

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Young people are more likely to have milder coronavirus outcomes, but they can still infect others who are at greater risk.

“With the younger age of recent infections in at least some places like Florida, expect a lower death rate on this wave … until 20-40-year-olds who are infected today infect others,” Dr. Tom Frieden said. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Twitter.

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