Search for a Houston Rockets coach: Tyrone Law as a new head coach is gaining traction, according to the report

Search for a Houston Rockets coach: Tyrone Law as a new head coach is gaining traction, according to the report

Read Tyrone Is gaining “huge momentum” for Houston RocketsVacant Head of Training, ESPN reported Tuesday morning. Lue gave an interview to Houston Rockets It is still considered a candidate to replace the Doc Rivers With th Los Angeles Clippers. Lowe held a meeting with ownership and management groups at the Rockets on Monday, which put him top of the list.

Lue was an assistant to Clippers Before the team was knocked out in the second round of the 2020 Qualifiers. Los Angeles broke with Rivers and left a clear path for Lue to take over. He is one of the few coaches available to have won a championship, in 2016 with Cleveland Cavaliers. His last major coaching assignment was in Cleveland, although he was also seen in the Philadelphia 76ers Post before Rivers takes that a few weeks ago.

Never thinking about the type of coach Xs and Os, Lue built a good relationship with players after being an NBA player himself from 1998-2009, playing for seven teams in the process. He has been in the league a lot and has absorbed knowledge from countless coaches and players. Lue knows what it’s like to manage multiple All-Star characters since his time with them LeBron James And Keri Irving. This obviously liked the Rockets, who did Mosques Hardening And the Russell Westbrook.

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