Rudy Giuliani’s daughter supports Joe Biden | US Election 2020


Rudy’s daughter Giuliani endorsed Joe Biden as president in Essay on Vanity Fair, Writes that in this historic election, “none of us can be silent.”

“My dad is Rudy GiulianiCaroline Rose Giuliani said in the magazine. We are multiverse distant, politically and otherwise. I have spent a lifetime creating an identity in the arts separate from my family name, so declaring myself publicly as’ Giuliani ‘is illogical, but I realize that none of us can stand silence now.’

Giuliani the Younger, director, actor and writer who lives in Los Angeles, endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016 and voted for Barack Obama in 2012. She writes that since childhood she has been involved in discussions with her father about LGBT rights, police and other issues.

“I felt the importance of speaking my mind, and I’m glad we at least were able to communicate at all. But the chasm was painful nonetheless, and multiplied exponentially in Trump’s partisan tribal-partisan era. I imagine many Americans could contend with the feeling of despair that I created in a circle This confrontation is this, but we are not helpless. I may not be able to change my father’s mind, but together, we can vote for this toxic administration out of office. “

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, is Donald Trump’s personal attorney and has been one of the president’s biggest supporters, whether during the Russian investigation, impeachment of the president, or the coronavirus crisis.

Less than a month after the November 3 election, Giuliani is back in the spotlight with allegations that he found incriminating evidence on a neglected computer of hunting Joe Biden’s son. Twitter and Facebook were restricting the publication of a New York Post article reporting an improbable and unsupported claim.

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“If I am the daughter of a polarized mayor who has become the president’s personal bulldog has taught me anything, it is that corruption begins with“ yes men ”and women, close friends who create a room that echoes lies and submissiveness to keep them close to his daughter writes.

“We have to stand up and fight,” she says. The only way to end this nightmare is to vote. There is hope on the horizon, but we will not realize it unless we elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. “

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