Kristen Wiig plays Home Alone 2’s Pigeon Lady on SNL

Sure, the doves were nice, but Kristen Wiig Knows what Mrs. Dove is Home alone 2 He really wanted a warm place to sleep.

On NBC SNL2020 final episode, The Wonder Woman 1984 The actress and former cast member has returned as host. One of the drawings parodied an alternate fantasy ending to the beloved 1990 movie Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Whig played Lady Dove Melissa VillasenorWhich photos Macaulay CulkinKevin McAllister’s Childhood Role.

After Mrs. Dove tells Kevin that she lives under a bridge, he tells her that he has a “huge” room at the Plaza that he paid for with his father’s credit card.

She replied, “You know, Kevin, I had an idea, too.” “Seeing that you own a fancy credit card, maybe you can get two rooms in the hotel?”

Kevin thinks about it and is hesitant at first but then says, “Wait, something just happened to me. I have enough money to get a room too … Maybe some clothes and new food too.”

This is what is needed. However, the moment of clarity is interrupted by the arrival of the “thieving thief” “Wheat” – the flipped – Marv and Harry, who plays him. Kyle Mooney And the Mickey Day. Fortunately for Kevin, Pigeon Lady won’t let their thirst for revenge derail her plans to sleep without the bathroom. Unfortunately for them, that means they’ll have to go.

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