Battery can be fully charged within 15 minutes

Publication date: 02/03/2021 19:08 IST

Battery can be fully charged within 15 minutes

Bangalore: With gasoline prices skyrocketing, there is again a debate on the use of electric cars. However, one of the main issues with this is the battery charging. Motorists are still not interested in these things as they have to charge for a long time. Under the circumstances, Bangalore-based startup Log-9 has developed technology that can fully charge the battery within 15 minutes.

Log9 said in a statement that the batteries were manufactured using supercapacitor technology using graphene. These batteries can be fully charged in just 15 minutes and will last more than 15 years. It revealed that the lithium-ion batteries had better quality and durability. It aims to produce 3,000 battery vehicles (two and three wheels) by fiscal year 2022.

Federation of interchangeable batteries

On the other hand, European companies Piaggio, Cespa and KTM, including the leading Japanese automaker Honda and Yamaha, have formed a consortium of replaceable batteries (replaceable batteries). These companies are working on vehicles that can hold the batteries and charge them separately. In addition, the use of electric cars will increase in the future.

How does this work ..?

In this process, motorists can remove the batteries from their cars and charge them separately. When one battery is charged, they can remove it, install another, and continue their journey continuously. Currently some countries provide these facilities. Companies set up shipping points at specific locations. You can put in an exhausted battery and take another fully charged battery.

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