Unilever stops advertising on Facebook and Twitter

Unilever stops advertising on Facebook and Twitter

“Given our Responsibility Framework and the polarized atmosphere in the U.S., we have decided that, starting at least from the end of the year, we will not launch brand advertising on Newsfeed’s social networking platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in the U.S.,” the company said. statement. “Continuing to advertise on these platforms at this point would not add value to people and society. We will monitor the tracking and revise our current position if necessary.”

The company’s decision for the huge household goods was prompted by concerns about hate speech and the sharing of content on platforms. Wall Street Journal he was the first to publish the news.

“Based on the current polarization and choices we have in the U.S., a lot more application is needed in the area of ​​hate speech,” Luis Di Como, executive vice president of Unilever’s world media, told reporters in an interview. .

Unilever’s commitment marks the broadest and potentially most damaging companies that have taken a stand against Facebook. The company was the largest spend in advertising on Facebook in 1930, pouring more than $ 42 million into the platform, according to estimates by advertising and intelligence firm Pathmatics.

Most of the other brands that have announced a boycott of Facebook have said they will suspend advertising for the month of July, or “at least” until the end of July.

Shortly after Unilever’s announcement, Procter & Gamble – another of the world’s largest advertisers – allegedly said would withdraw advertising from platforms that featured “hateful” or “discriminatory” content. P&G did not immediately respond to a request for comment

Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In a statement, VP of Global Client Solutions subsidiary Sarah Personette said the company is committed to building a secure platform that also boosts “voices from underrepresented communities and marginalized groups”.

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“We respect the decisions of our partners and we will continue to work and communicate closely with them during that time,” Personette said.

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