These are some of the best photos from the iPhone Photography Awards

The Transylvanian Shepherds photo won the grand prize in the competition and was taken with an iPhone 7.

The Transylvanian Shepherds photo won the grand prize in the competition and was taken with an iPhone 7.
picture: IPPAWARDS / Istvan Kereks

DSLR or smartphone? Controversy has been on the table for years among photographers, photography enthusiasts, and journalists since phone cameras started becoming an everyday thing. To this day, many explain their need to change their cell phones by saying that they need new, better lenses or more advanced imaging software. However, many of the winning photos at the 2021 iPhone Photography Awards were taken with much older iPhones and are still stunning.

The grand prize winning photo of the competition, “Shepherds of Transylvania,” was taken by Hungarian photographer Istvan Kerekes with an iPhone 7. It’s also no exception. Many winners in multiple categories were taken on iPhones that are several years old. Contest rules also state that photographers cannot use desktop photo editing software, although mobile versions are allowed.

Here’s a collection of some of our favorite photos, and you can check out the full list of winning photos Here. Remember: the best camera is the one you have right now.

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