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Saudi Arabia says annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca will have limited participants
People stand in line at a restaurant on Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, Florida, on June 26th. Chandan Khanna / AFP via Getty Images

Miami Beach Mayor called for a special commission meeting Monday to discuss the consistency of mask use as Covid-19 cases continue to rise in Florida, Mayor Dan Gelber tweeted.

“We were one of the first in the U.S. to require masks indoors and in many places outdoors. But it was clear that there was no great adherence to this rule and other measures,” Gelber said in a tweet.

Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez has ordered the closure of all beaches in Miami-Dade County for the weekend of July 4, but South Florida residents continue to gather despite requests from social distance officials.

In Pinecrest, a wealthy suburb of Miami-Dade, “the biggest problem is private house parties,” Mayor Joseph Corradino said in a letter to the community this week.

Home parties have become more common in recent weeks and “are the most dangerous things affecting our community,” Corradino said.

“The law does not allow us to enforce the rules we use in privately owned public spaces. So our current option is to appeal to the common sense and decency of our citizens. This danger comes directly from within,” the letter said.

Enforcement of the code in Miami Beach continues to impose mandates for social distancing from Miami-Dade County, Miami Beach spokeswoman Melissa Berthier told CNN.

But whether the Miami Beach commission will discuss imposing face masks and imposing fines on thugs like the neighboring city of Miami, “that’s one theory,” Berthier said.

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