The 23-year-old woman from Texas took precautions and still got the coronavirus

The 23-year-old woman from Texas took precautions and still got the coronavirus
After the Texas house retention order was completed on April 30 and some businesses opened, she cautiously headed outside. Although early data showed Covid-19 was the most dangerous for older people, she was cautious, Erica Hill said on CNN on Wednesday.

“I didn’t go to crowded restaurants. I didn’t go to cramped places in general (or) social settings,” she recalled.

She resumed grocery trips again and even returned to the gym. And just then, to her frustration, she got off Covid-19. She still doesn’t know where she picked him up.

“That was one of the first things I said,‘ How could I even get this? “Chesser said. ‘I’ve been so worried about getting it since it all started in March, February.’

“So when I actually picked it up and I couldn’t pinpoint it, I finally really had to let it go because it didn’t change the fact whether I had it or not,” she said.

The coronavirus is migrating to a younger population across the U.S. and is especially growing among young people in the South and West, health officials said.
The risk of serious complications and death increases with age, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, although there is no clear age limit for higher or lower risk.

And Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, singled out the younger generations in particular on Tuesday, urging them to take serious precautions, because even if they are less likely to die from Covid-19, they can play a significant role in transmitting the disease others.

He specifically asked them to wear masks, which health officials say can prevent the virus from spreading through infected people – even those who don’t know they are infected.

“In particular, I am addressing the younger members of our society, millennials and Generation Z – I ask those who listen to spread the word,” Redfield said Tuesday during a hearing in the U.S. Senate.

Chesser was very ill for eight days, she told CNN.

“In the very beginning, I had really awful skin sensitivity, headaches, coughs, sore throats,” she said. “And then around day 4 … when I lost my sense and taste.”

She said she barely had a fever – the highest temperature she knew was 99.6 or 99.7 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chesser believes Texas businesses opened too soon, she said. In response to the rise in cases, the state closed its bars for the second time late last month – and says it thinks people are doing it “by realizing how serious it is”.
Chesser also hopes more people will take precautions like wearing masks, she said.

“Just give your share and take care of everyone in the community, because we somehow owe it to each other, just to do the little things that could have a very big impact,” she said.

CNN’s Andrea Kane and Amanda Watts contributed to this report.

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