John Pilger: For the United States and the United Kingdom, the enemy is necessary, whether it exists or not

John Pilger: para EE.UU. y el Reino Unido un enemigo es fundamental, no importa si existe o no


23 ene 2022 15:38 GMT

The award-winning documentary filmmaker noted that propaganda is important to Western countries precisely in these times to create a fictional hostile power.

Award-winning Australian-British journalist and documentary director John Pilger writes: comments For RT, Western countries, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, base their foreign policies on the idea of ​​an external enemy, which is not necessarily present in reality.

Addressing the question of alleged Russian plans to invade Ukraine, Pilger admitted that it was “one of the most distorted stories” he could remember. “If you look at the Russians who say they are the aggressors and they are about to invade… [Ucrania]And Russian forces are already there In Russia‘ stressed the famous journalist.

The documentary maker, in turn, reminded that US missiles surround Russia while British forces are on its borders. “NATO forces encircle Russia from Slovenia to the bottom. So the potential aggression seems to be on one side.”

“Anyone who really studies the so-called foreign policies of the United States and its allies, who have become subservient to them, like the United Kingdom, knows this.” [tener] The enemy is necessary whether it exists or not, Pilger said, adding that “the UK has no real enemy in the world and the US does not, But the enemy is necessary“.

The “deep irony” of geopolitics

At the same time, he noted that propaganda is very important for Western countries at precisely this time to create an imaginary hostile power. “We have nothing but propaganda about Russia about to invade.”Pilger lamented. According to the journalist, even if Russia stops portraying it as an enemy state by the West, Washington and its allies will turn their attention to China.

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“We must understand the deep irony that operates in geopolitics,” he said. “It’s something that affects all of our lives,” Pilger concluded. “And we have a right to understand it.”

  • Allegations of a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine in the West intensified, after several media outlets published alleged plans for such an operation starting in November.

  • Russia in turn crossed out Time and again he described these accusations as false and unfounded. In this regard, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, announce Such accusations seek to portray Moscow as a party threatening to resolve the conflict in the Ukrainian Donbass region, and warned that they may be “camouflage” To possible aggressive plans by Kiev, aimed at resolving the situation by force.

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